Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Fish and Aquaria - Freshwater - Species - Invertebrates links

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Invertebrates: Crayfish resources Crayfish (6)Invertebrates: Snails resources Snails (9)Invertebrates: Triops resources Triops (17)

Invertebrates Links

Amano Shrimp Online - Dedicated to freshwater shrimps Caridina japonica. Photographs general information and how to breed them.
Caridina japonica - Description experiment setup breeding reports research and photo gallery.
Crustacea - Care natural history and photos of freshwater crustaceans including shrimp crayfish and crabs.
Freshwater Molluscan Shells - Classification information and many pictures to aid in identification.
Freshwater Shrimp Crabs and Crayfish - Pictures and detailed information for individual species of shrimp crab crayfish and lobster.
Petshrimp - The care and keeping of shrimp with descriptions of both common and uncommon species. Photos and forum.
Red Claw Crab Care - One aquarist's advice on care for Sesarma bidens.