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Killifish Links
Alf & Anitas Killipage - Photos of many different species and collections of killifish and of the authors' 160-aquarium fishrooms.
Cynolebia - Killifish from South America - A page devoted to Cynolebias including an interesting story about the Emperor of Japan.
Everett Talavera's Aplocheilus Lineatus Web Page - Taxonomy breeding natural history and care of the Aplochelius Lineatus.
Henrik's Killifish Homepage - Taxonomic listing of killifish species.
Killiefish Info - Very basic articles on common killifish.
KillieTalk - Subscription page and searchable archives of an e-mail list for discussing killifish keeping.
Killifish From West Africa - Database of information on West African killies including photos history references populations and ranges meristics (water parameters) and breeders' notes sorted by genera.
Killifish: Maintenance Breeding and Conservation - Guide to care feeding and breeding of killifish including a database of species-specific information user-submitted spawning reports and a photo gallery.
Medakafish Home Page - Much information on the genus Oryzias may be found here.
Shene's Killies - Photographs of about 50 species/variants of killies fishroom layout breeding articles and available fish listings.
South American Annual Killifish - Roger Brousseau - Scanned pages about Simpsonicthys from the author's books also information about collection trips in Venezuela.
South American Annual Study Group - The SAA is a worldwide group of aquarists dedicated to maintaining breeding and studying South American annual killifish.
Spawning Aphyosemion Sjoestedti the Blue Gularis - Online posting of a club newsletter article on spawning these fish.
The Killi Dome - A good site for an introduction to killifish. Also contains a public egg-listing board.