Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Fish and Aquaria - Marine - Organizations links

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Organizations Links

Atlanta Southern Marine Aquarium Society - Meeting information tank of the month video forum sponsors and list of members.
Central Illinois Marine Aquarists - Meeting and membership information forum links.
Chesapeake Marine Aquaria Society - Meeting and membership details gallery library list and forum.
Chicagoland Marine Aquarium Society - Details of monthly meetings photos and newsletter.
Chicagoland Marine Aquarium Society - Newsletters membership and meeting information forums photos and links. Open to all saltwater enthusiasts in the tri-state area.
Columbia Marine Aquarium Club - CMAC members tanks and event pictures membership information gallery and forum. Located in Columbia South Carolina.
Dallas/Fort Worth Marine Aquarium Society - Meeting information online membership application trading post newsletterand pictures of members' tanks.
Desert Marine Society - Membership details. Located in Phoenix.
Florida Marine Aquarium Society - Events list annual show information membership application form.
Idaho Marine Aquarium Society - Club FAQ contact information and gallery. Boise Idaho area.
Louisville Marine Aquarium Society - Meeting and MACNA XVII information classifieds pictures of members' tanks and articles about keeping marine aquariums.
Marine Aquarist's Association of South Texas - Meeting announcements forums image gallery newsletter and calculators for a San Antonio-area group.
Marine Aquarium and Reef Society of Houston - Includes meeting information articles on aquarium keeping pictures of members' tanks and a bulletin board.
Marine Aquarium Societies of North America - Includes MASNA calendar of members' events news about the aquarium industry and a chat room.
Marine Aquarium Society of Los Angeles County - Maslac meeting information library catalog photos of members' aquariums.
Marinelife Aquarium Society of Michigan - MASM meeting and events information news picture gallery and sponsors list.
Northeast Florida Marine Aquarium Society - Meeting schedule photo gallery and member tank descriptions.
Oklahoma Marine Aquarium Society - OMAS meeting contact details and photos.
Pacific Northwest Marine Aquarium Society - Forum surveys stories archive and reviews. Site requires registration which is free.
Pittsburgh Marine Aquarium Society - Meeting and membership details and club background information.
San Diego Marine Aquarium Society - FAQ membership and meeting details gallery.
San Diego Marine Aquarium Society - Includes membership information along with forums a photo gallery frequently asked questions and links.
Southern California Marine Aquarium Society - SCMAS pages include meeting and membership information a message board and an image gallery.
Washington Area Marine Aquarist Society - Gallery WAMAS meeting and membership information.
West Michigan Marine Aquarium Club - WMMAC club information meeting minutes and pictures coral database forum.