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Organizations Links

Atlanta Reef Club - Information about past ARC presentations gallery and news items.
Bay Area Reefers - Club events new member sign-up member websites.
Boston Reefers Society - Contact information membership details libarary list forum and chat.
Capital Reef Aquarist's Society - Event information contact details member websites.
Central Ohio Reef Aquarists - Includes membership and meeting information as well as a local forum.
Cleveland Saltwater Enthusiasts' Association - Contains articles and photos of C-Sea members' tanks.
Connecticut Area Reef Society - Club information and news including member tanks and photos meeting information forum hobby and membership information and links to outside forums and information.
Dayton Reef Club - Photo album and a forum that includes a trading post.
East Tennessee Reef Club - Photos forum and ETRC membership application form.
Las Vegas Valley Reefers - LVVR membership and meeting information and past meeting summaries.
Lubbock Reef Club - Club purpose forum and meeting information.
Mobile Bay Reef Keepers - Local reef club discussion for the Alabama gulf coast.
New Jersey Reefers Club - Membership and meeting information forums photo galleries chat and a calendar. Open to the New Jersey New York and Pennsylvania areas.
Orlando Reef Caretakers Association - Meeting schedule newsletter discussion board photos.
Philadelphia Area Reef Club - Includes meeting and contact information and photo gallery.
ReefsUK - Articles question and answer page forum and livestock list.
Scottish Reefers Club - Meetings news and member information for reefkeepers in Scotland.
Tampa Bay Reef Club - Includes event information message board and past meeting summary.
The Cincinnati Reef Club - Forum pictures club bylaws and commonly used abbreviations.
Upstate Reef Society - A bulletin board and information about a project to build a reef tank in the local zoo.
Wastch Marine Aquarium Society - Events newsletter gallery tank of the month.
Wisconsin Reef Society - Membership and club information meetings pictures member sites forum and tips.