Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Fish and Aquaria - Organizations - Europe - United Kingdom links
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United Kingdom Links
Bristol Aquarists' Society - Guide to fancy goldfish varieties how to keep and breed them. Includes over 150 photographs.
Bristol Tropical Fish Club - Meetings summary chat forum contact information.
British Rainbowfish And Goby Society - Membership details and articles.
Caer Urfa Aquarist Society - Species information and upcoming events list for the Tyne and Wear district.
Dunstable and District Aquarist Society - Tropical fish articles plus information on club activities.
Federation of British Aquatic Societies - Contact information event schedule and FAQ. Britain's umbrella group for aquarium societies.
Hounslow and District Aquarist Society - Meeting and membership details hints and tips articles and society activities report.
Ilford Aquarists Society - Meeting and membership details newsletter picture gallery competitions and articles.
Isle of Wight Aquarists' Society - Club history calendar contact information and news.
Merseyside Aquarist Society - History committee agenda and meetings details.
Plymouth and District Aquarists’ and Pondkeepers’ Society - Meetings and membership details events calendar table show listings and classes.
Reigate and Redhill Aquarist Society - Tropical fish keeping advice gallery meeting dates and membership information society history.
West Cornwall Fishkeepers - Club meetings details photos library and committee members lists.