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Pets and Animal Resources Pets - Reptiles and Amphibians - Turtles and Tortoises - Organizations links
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Organizations Links
British Chelonia Group - Dedicated to preserving Turtles Tortoises and Terrapins worldwide. Provides support to ensure the proper treatment of captive animals as well as global conservation efforts.
California Turtle and Tortoise Club - Offering the most comprehensive resource for turtle and tortoise information on the web.
Caribbean Conservation Corporation/Sea Turtle Survival League - Dedicated to the conservation of sea turtles and related marine and coastal wildlife through research training advocacy education and the protection of natural areas.
Chelonian Research Foundation - International Journal of Turtle and Tortoise Research. They are the only international scientific peer-reviewed journal of cosmopolitan and broad-based coverage of all aspects of conservation and biology of all chelonians including freshwater turtles mari |
Chicago Turtle Club - A club for turtle and tortoise enthusiasts in the Chicagoland area.
Dutch Turtle/Tortoise Society - Summaries of articles that have been published in Nederlandse Schildpadden Vereniging (NSV) which is a bi-monthly magazine called De Schildpad (The Turtle). The society provides information regarding turtles in the wild proper housing care and breeding o |
Gulf Coast Turtle and Tortoise Society - An all-volunteer organization offering care and natural history information educational programs turtle and tortoise rescue and adoption.
Gulf of Maine Aquarium: All About Turtles - Have fun learning about different species of turtles: their habitats food and more with stories and activities for teachers in K-12 or anyone interested in turtles. Join in on the Turtle and Tortoise webring for even more fun and interesting sites al |
Help Endagered Animals - Ridley Turtles - Saving the Kemp's ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempi) from extinction by educating the public and supporting conservation laws that protect sea turtles.
Jacksonville Herpetological Society - Dedicated to conservation education and husbandry of reptiles and amphibians. Visitors in Jacksonville may stop by and visit on the first Monday of each month.
Joshua Tree Turtle and Tortoise Rescue - A chapter of the California Turtle and Tortoise Club (CTTC)dedicated to the survival of the desert tortoise through education and adoption programs working closely with government and military agencies schools community groups and local businesses.
Klub Chovatelu Zelv - Czech Chelonian Breeders group.
Mid-Atlantic Turtle and Tortoise Society Inc. - Dedicated to responsible herpetoculture the study of chelonian natural history and conservation of chelonian habitat.
New York Turtle and Tortoise Society - Dedicated to habitat preservation promotion of proper husbandry and captive propagation of turtles and tortoises. Members kept up to date on Turtle crises and legislation worldwide.
Ontario Turtle and Tortoise Society - A society for all who are interested in turtles and tortoises.
San Diego Turtle and Tortoise Society - Dedicated to the preservation conservation and study of chelonians. Includes care sheets membership information action alerts and calendar of events.
Sandalwood Gopher Tortoise Reserve - Take a virtual tour of this 1000 square foot gopher tortoise reserve at Sandalwood High School in Jacksonville Florida.
The Tewksbury Institute of Herpetology - Dedicated to propagation of assurance colonies for the survival of threatened and endangered species of turtles and tortoises. Information on program and concept drawing of facility.
Tortoise Group - Contributing in efforts to protect the wild desert tortoise and its natural habitat and promoting responsible care of legally acquired pet desert tortoises.
Tortoise Trust Website - The Tortise Trust is the world's largest tortoise and turtle organization with members in more than 26 countries. The site is dedicated to the conservation and captive care of Chelonia.
Turtle and Tortoise Club of Florida - Orlando Florida group which meets monthly to discuss Turtles.
Turtle Trax - A Sea Turtle Page - Dedicated to the wonder and beauty of sea turtles showing people why sea turtles are threatened throughout the world focusing on a particularly gruesome threat to the green sea turtle: fibropapilloma tumours.
Valley Turtle & Tortoise Society - A group dedicated to the care and preservation of turtles & tortoises.
World Chelonian Trust - Contains turtle and tortoise care sheets articles and photo gallery.