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Bags and Scoopers Links

Dog Poop Bags - Offers dog clean up bags.
Doggie Bags - Dispensers with environmentally friendly plastic bags for dog waste.
Doggie Discreet - Offers a lined pouch as an alternative to carrying waste in a plastic bag.
Doggie Poop Catcher - Offers a palm size pooper scooper with a collapsible frame structure.
Doggie Walk Bags - Retailer and wholesaler of bags and dispensers for individual or municipal use. Provides information on reducing contamination and possible health risks.
Doggie-Bags West - Offers environmentally friendly plastic bag used to clean up dogs poop.
Doggy-Bag - Disposable bags for pooper scooping.
JJ Mfg. - Provides biodegradable scoop bags with stiff-sided chip board construction and a separate stiff chip board shovel for ease of loading. Video demo can be viewed.
JJB Solutions Inc. - A supplier of dog waste bags poop scoops and a line of dog waste products.
JRB Enterprises - Offers poop scoops dog bins and gloves.
Leisure More - Offers pet waste bag dispensers.
Oops I Pooped - Offers biodegradable clean up bags.
Pix It Up - Hands free tool to collect contain and dispose of pet waste. Biodegradable bag covers scoop to keep tool clean.
Scoop and Sack it - A pet waste removal tool invented by a 10 year old. Features a telescoping handle and uses free plastic grocery bags.
Scooper Doggie - Environmentally safe and disposable pooper scooper made from recycled paperboard.
Wag N Load - Dog waste sanitary bag for carrying empty and filled plastic bags. External pocket for dog treats.