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Diapers Links

Bonnie's Belly Bands - Offers a male housetraining aid.
Doggie Diapers - Features absorbent apparel for male dogs.
DoggieJams - Hawaiian style diapers for male and female dogs. Can be used for house training and preventing pregnancies.
Nu-nee - Offers elastic bands for problem urination in males britches for females and snoods.
Pomlady - Offers accident prevention products for dogs: diapers and wraps.
Seasonals - Supplying fitted pants for bitches in season and the incontinent with a list of sizes and fabrics available.
Watson's Dog Diapers - Maker and seller of diapers for incontinent pets or pets that are being housebroken.
Yo Yo's Pet Wear - Offers a wraparound coat designed to be used with any commonly available disposable baby diaper.