Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources pets - Birds links

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Birds: Chats and Forums resources Chats and Forums (5)Birds: Clubs and Organizations resources Clubs and Organizations (41)Birds: Directories resources Directories (13)
Birds: Magazines and E-zines resources Magazines and E-zines (11)Birds: Personal Pages resources Personal Pages (16)Birds: Rescues and Shelters resources Rescues and Shelters (27)
Birds: Species resources Species (961)

Birds Links

AvianWeb - Information on many species of companion birds such as health care breeding and transportation. Also has chat forums.
Aviary Birds - Offers information on aviary building suitable plants choosing suitable birds rearing feeding care and a forum.
BirdsnWays - Articles on species profiles toy making diseases nutrition and breeding. Also offers classifieds and chat message boards.
Cage Birds - General information on finches canaries budgies cockatiels and lovebirds diseases and harmful plants.
ParrotExpo - A listing of bird shows marts seminars and conferences happening around the country.
Pet Bird by Up At Six - Comprehensive site with articles avian artwork lists of aviaries sanctuaries associations online suppliers and mailing lists.
Rare Bird - Resources for information on waterfowl game birds exotic rare and endangered birds. Included are free classifieds image audio and video libraries and links to exotic bird breeders.
The Aviary - Information and weekly articles on species health care adoption and recipes.