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Balinese Links

Balinese & Javanese: Cat Breed FAQ - Physical description characteristics and temperament training and breeders of Balis and Javanese.
Cats United Balinese Links - Balinese information and links.
CFA Breed Profile - An in depth look into the Balinese breed with its long silky ermine coat.
FBRL Breed Page: Balinese - Information links and breeder contact information for the Balinese cat breed.
FBRL Breed Page: Traditional Balinese - Information links and breeder contact information for the Traditional Balinese cat breed.
The Balinese Cat in the UK - Information on the breed to include breeding guidelines.
The Lovely Balinese - Breed article about the Balinese cat.
Traditional Balinese Cat Breed FAQ - Explains the differences between "traditional" and "modern" (also known as contemporary) Balinese.