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Maine Coon: Catteries resources Catteries (326)Maine Coon: Clubs resources Clubs (8)Maine Coon: Personal Pages resources Personal Pages (12)
Maine Coon: Rescues and Shelters resources Rescues and Shelters (2)Maine Coon: Standards resources Standards (6)

Maine Coon Links

All About Maine: State Symbols: Maine Coon Cat - Description from the state of Maine's official website.
Breed Article: Maine Coon - An article from the CFA almanac about the background of the breed with special attention to show history.
Cat Fanciers' Association: Breed Profile: Maine Coon - A look into the past of the native American long-haired cat.
Cat Fanciers: Breed FAQ - Showcases history characteristics temperament and breed description while covering care training and breeder information.
Cats and Kittens Magazine Maine Coon Profile - Focuses on providing general breed information and background. - Maine Coon Cats - General description and recommended reading material specific to the breed.
Introducing the Maine Coon Cat - Myths legends lore and facts pertaining to the breed.
Maine Coon Alliance - Various links concerning history and characteristics specific health care issues rescue and adoption and chosing a cat. Also includes general feline information.
Maine Coon Cats - Photographs and cattery listings from around the world as well as breed and origin information.
Maine Coon Cats Breed - FAQ - Concentrates on history characteristics temperament description care training and breed association.
Maine Coon Catz - Specializes in providing resources and information concerning the Maine Coon breed.
Maine Coon Database - Searchable database that allows users to explore the pedigrees of the breed.
Maine Coon FAQ - Breed articles on health history appearance characteristics and caregiving.
Maine Coon Heritage Site - Dedicated to providing outcross inbreeding and health data for breeders. Includes genetic history data and related links.
Maine Coon Line Chasers - The place for owners to find out about their cat's ancestry. Links to online databases and sites with pictures of foundation cats.
Maine Coon Polydactyls - Article on the background of polydactyl Maine Coon cats.
Maine Coon Ring - Webring for fanciers breeders and exhibitors who have websites about Maine Coons. Includes e-mail discussion list.
Maine Coon: FBRL Breed Page - Features breed description information links and breeder contact information.
Maine Coons - Contains data on what to consider when adopting cat care tips and health information as well as links to breeder organizations.
The Maine Coon Cat - Breed history and description from United Kingdom cat site Moggies.
The Maine Coon Mailing List - Mailing list located at with directions on how to subscribe.