Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources pets - Cats - Breeds - Manx links

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Manx: Catteries resources Catteries (19)Manx: Personal Pages resources Personal Pages (2)Manx: Standards resources Standards (1)
Manx: Web Rings resources Web Rings (1)

Manx Links

CFA Breed Profile: Manx - Information on this cat and its features.
CFA Breed Article: Manx - An article from the CFA Almanac about the history of the breed with special attention to show history.
CFA Manx Breed Council - Official site for the CFA Breed Council. Listings of their winning cats past and present photographs contacts for Manx rescue.
FBRL Breed Page: Manx - Information links and breeder contact information for the Manx cat breed.
Manx Cats - Information on the Manx cat including description history and temperament.
Manx: Cat Breed FAQ - A complete and concise description of the Manx.
Manxalot Rescue - Foster organization throughout the United States. Available cats information on the breed adoption procedures stories and links.