Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources pets - Cats - Breeds - Norwegian Forest Cat links

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Norwegian Forest Cat: Catteries resources Catteries (135)Norwegian Forest Cat: Clubs resources Clubs (10)Norwegian Forest Cat: Personal Pages resources Personal Pages (5)
Norwegian Forest Cat: Standards resources Standards (1)

Norwegian Forest Cat Links

Cattery Row - Norwegian Forest Cat breeder listings.
CFA Breed Article: Norwegian Forest Cat - Information on the CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) history of the Norwegian Forest Cat.
CFA Norwegian Forest Cat Breed Council - Official site for the CFA Breed Council. History of the breed photographs of their winning cats information about the Breed Council links to other breed-related sites.
CFA's Norwegian Forest Cat Breed Profile - An in-depth look into the Norwegian Forest Cat breed the cats that explored the world with the Vikings.
FBRL Breed Page: Norwegian Forest Cat - Information links and breeder contact information for the Norwegian Forest Cat.
Norwegian Forest Cat - FAQ - Information about the Norwegian Forest Cat also known as Skogkatt or Wegie.
Norwegian Forest Cat Database - Pedigree information on thousands of NFC.
Our Guide to the Norwegian Forest Cat - An informative site on the Norwegian Forest Cat including thorough descriptions of the breed's history comformation standards and temperament. Includes pictures links and a complete comparison to the Maine Coon.
The Norwegian Forest Cat - Breed description list of breeders from all over the World link to associations books and resources.