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Pets and Animal Resources pets - Dogs - Breeds links

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Breeds: Breeders and Kennels resources Breeders and Kennels (28)Breeds: Experimental Breeds and Hybrids resources Experimental Breeds and Hybrids (101)Breeds: Herding Group resources Herding Group (3458)
Breeds: Hound Group resources Hound Group (1913)Breeds: Livestock Guardian Dogs resources Livestock Guardian Dogs (338)Breeds: Molosser Group resources Molosser Group (2377)
Breeds: NonSporting-Utility Group resources NonSporting-Utility Group (1349)Breeds: Primitive Group resources Primitive Group (71)Breeds: Rescues and Shelters resources Rescues and Shelters (1)
Breeds: Spitz Group resources Spitz Group (154)Breeds: Sporting-Gundog Group resources Sporting-Gundog Group (2723)Breeds: Terrier Group resources Terrier Group (1721)
Breeds: Toy Group resources Toy Group (1598)Breeds: Working Group resources Working Group (1784)

Breeds Links

A-Z The Dog Breeds Alphabet - Links to breed information clubs breeders e-cards pictures discussion lists e-groups webrings all listed by breed.
All Dog Breed Names with FCI Group - Listing of breed names in alphabetical order with the FCI Group and the FCI Standard Number for that breed.
American Rare Breed Association - Breeds shows registration from ARBA.
Australian Show Dog Ring - Join the ring for dog breeders fanciers owners and lovers of purebred dogs in Australia.
Best In Show Web Ring - Webring for owners or breeders of Best In Show dogs.
Discover Dogs - Exhibition in London organised by The Kennel Club. Information about the exhibition as well as about the choice care and training of every breed of dog.
Dog Breed Information Center - Pictures description temperament health problems and grooming information for all breeds. Search for breeds by size need for exercise and specific qualities.
Dog Breed Profiles - List of breed groupings for dogs individual breed profiles and breeder directories.
Dog Breeds by Group - All recognized AKC breeds in eight variety groups.
Dog Breeds by Group - Links to breed specific web sites presented by DogInfomat.
Dog Lovers Page - Dog breed information presented by PetNet.
Dogz Online - Guide to purebred dogs in Australia and New Zealand. - Information on temperament physical characteristics grooming history and pictures of various breeds.
Find the Right Dog Breed - Find out about specific breeds puppies and choosing a dog that's right for you. Learn how to groom train and maintain a dog's optimum health and nutrition. From Purina.
Guide to Spanish Breeds - Razas EspaƱolas/Spanish Breeds from El Fascinante Mundo Canino the Wonderful Canine World. In Spanish and English.
Pedigrees Online - A database for most breeds free to search. Submissions and corrections are invited.
Professor Hunt's Selected Dog Breeds - An introduction to various dog breeds.
Puppy Dog Web - Information about purebred dog breeds classified and photograph ads for pet puppies show puppies studs and rescues.
Rare Breeds - Dozens of breeds from the Rare Breed Network.
Rare Breeds - In seven groups from the American Rare Breed Association.
Rare Breeds Showcase - This webring is for breeder exhibitor owner and other informative and educational sites geared towards the betterment of rare breeds.
TheDogPlace - Providing lists of kennels shows forums health and training.
UK Dogs - Starter area for people looking for information on breeds and breeders residing in Britain and Ireland.
United Kennel Club Recognized Breeds - Listing includes both well known and rare breeds.
Walters and Shackles Guide to Dog Breeds - A British guide to more than 100 breeds of dog with brief histories and watercolours. - Listings and links on all breeds plus multi-breed and rare breed sites and breed origins.