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Pets and Animal Resources pets - Dogs - Breeds - Hound Group links

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Hound Group: Afghan Hound resources Afghan Hound (68)Hound Group: American Foxhound resources American Foxhound (5)Hound Group: Anglo-Francais resources Anglo-Francais (2)
Hound Group: Ariegeois resources Ariegeois (2)Hound Group: Azawakh resources Azawakh (18)Hound Group: Barak resources Barak (1)
Hound Group: Basenji resources Basenji (112)Hound Group: Basset Artesien Normand resources Basset Artesien Normand (1)Hound Group: Basset Fauve De Bretagne resources Basset Fauve De Bretagne (2)
Hound Group: Basset Hound resources Basset Hound (130)Hound Group: Beagle resources Beagle (179)Hound Group: Blackmouth Cur resources Blackmouth Cur (3)
Hound Group: Black and Tan Coonhound resources Black and Tan Coonhound (19)Hound Group: Black Forest Hound resources Black Forest Hound (1)Hound Group: Bleus de Gascogne resources Bleus de Gascogne (4)
Hound Group: Bloodhound resources Bloodhound (49)Hound Group: Bluetick Coonhound resources Bluetick Coonhound (10)Hound Group: Borzoi resources Borzoi (41)
Hound Group: Breeders resources Breeders (12)Hound Group: Briquet Griffon Vendeen resources Briquet Griffon Vendeen (1)Hound Group: Bruno De Jura resources Bruno De Jura (1)
Hound Group: Caravan Hound resources Caravan Hound (1)Hound Group: Carolina Dog resources Carolina Dog (6)Hound Group: Chart Polski resources Chart Polski (4)
Hound Group: Clubs resources Clubs (2)Hound Group: Dachshund resources Dachshund (251)Hound Group: Drever resources Drever (1)
Hound Group: English Coonhound resources English Coonhound (4)Hound Group: English Foxhound resources English Foxhound (8)Hound Group: Galgo Espanol resources Galgo Espanol (13)
Hound Group: Greyhound resources Greyhound (252)Hound Group: Hamilton Stovare resources Hamilton Stovare (4)Hound Group: Harrier resources Harrier (7)
Hound Group: Ibizan Hound resources Ibizan Hound (21)Hound Group: Irish Wolfhound resources Irish Wolfhound (137)Hound Group: Jamthund resources Jamthund (2)
Hound Group: Lurcher resources Lurcher (10)Hound Group: Mountain View Cur resources Mountain View Cur (2)Hound Group: Norwegian Elkhound resources Norwegian Elkhound (20)
Hound Group: Otterhound resources Otterhound (13)Hound Group: Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen resources Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (22)Hound Group: Pharaoh Hound resources Pharaoh Hound (32)
Hound Group: Plott Hound resources Plott Hound (7)Hound Group: Podenco resources Podenco (2)Hound Group: Redbone Coonhound resources Redbone Coonhound (11)
Hound Group: Rescues and Shelters resources Rescues and Shelters (6)Hound Group: Rhodesian Ridgeback resources Rhodesian Ridgeback (167)Hound Group: Saluki resources Saluki (82)
Hound Group: Schiller Hound resources Schiller Hound (1)Hound Group: Scottish Deerhound resources Scottish Deerhound (17)Hound Group: Segugio Italiano resources Segugio Italiano (2)
Hound Group: Silken Windhound resources Silken Windhound (8)Hound Group: Sloughi resources Sloughi (8)Hound Group: South Russian Steppe Hound resources South Russian Steppe Hound (1)
Hound Group: Transylvanian Hound resources Transylvanian Hound (2)Hound Group: Treeing Walker Coonhound resources Treeing Walker Coonhound (16)Hound Group: Tyrolean Hound resources Tyrolean Hound (1)
Hound Group: Whippet resources Whippet (98)

Hound Group Links

Dogs Caught in Action - Photos of diverse sighthound breeds caught in action.
Hound Breeds Webring - Connecting sites on all Hound Breeds. Listing of member sites.
Hound Lovers Webring - Websites about Hound breeds.
Hounds - An email discussion group on all hound breeds. Information on how to join and message archives.
Our Dog Den - Information pictures and chat covering activities involving Rhodesian Ridgebacks Pharaoh Hounds and other Hound breeds.
Ring of Scenthounds - Webring connecting sites on all scenthound breeds.
Sighthound Review - A bi-monthly journal is dedicated to Sighthound care conformation history art and performance.
Sighthounds in the Netherlands - Information about the sighthound breeds and racing in the Netherlands. Site in three languages.
Site Hound Webring - This ring connects sites on all Sighthounds breeds. Information on how to join and an index of member pages.
Urbanhound - The site has a veterinarian an animal-rights lawyer and a dog trainer fielding questions from users. Message board newsletter and other Hound information.
Whippets and other Sighthounds - General sighthound facts as well as more breed specific information. Many photos of the dogs.