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Pets and Animal Resources pets - Dogs - Breeds - Molosser Group links
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Molosser Group Links
Bulldog Breeds - Breed descriptions photographs forum and a directory of breeders.
Encyclopaedia Romana: Molossian - Molossian dogs in Ancient Greece and Rome.
Fila Brasileiro and Neopolitan Mastiff - Historical photographs from the early 1900's to the present document the histories of the two breeds.
Fila Brasileiro Web Ring - Websites about South American and Iberian Molosser breeds.
Imperiale - Pedigrees and photographs. St. Clair Shores Michigan.
Molosser Breeders Association - Breed information dog show results and lots of pictures.
Molosser Dog - Dutch/English database on dogs in general and Molosser breeds in particular.
Molosser Dogs - Interactive portal for the owners of the descendants of the ancient Molosser Dogs. Users can post their own information and pictures.
Molosser World - Pictures and information about Molosser breeds.
Molossers-WorldWide Email List - Discussion of the future well being of molosser breeds in a group setting as opposed to the many individual breed lists that precludes information and remedy sharing.
The Origins of the Mastiff - Article about decendents of the ancient mastiff. Reprinted from Canis Max Winter 1996/1997. All rights are reserved by the author Tamara Taylor.
Web Ring: The Molosser Ring - Molosser breed websites.
Working Mastiff and Bulldog Web Ring - Websites of working Molossers including all Mastiff and Bulldog breeds.