Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources pets - Dogs - Hunting - Clubs links

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Clubs Links

AHDC Home Page - American Hunting Dog club.
Arctic Bird Dog Association - An AKC-affiliated club in an Anchorage Alaska. Events classes training seminars and hunt tests.
Bushkill Eastern PA Chapter of NAVHDA - Formed so that all members may learn and share in their dog's development from puppy to finished gun dog. Development training and events for bird dogs of different breeds.
Central Dakota Chapter of NAVHDA - Versatile hunting dogs club chapter in the Bismarck and western part of North Dakota.
Gold Triangle Sporting Dog Club - Great Falls MT devoted to the training and testing of sporting dogs for hunting. News events and calendar.AKCNSTRA
International Catchdog Association - Titles working dogs that are used in the sport of Wild Boar catching. Information on titled catchdogs requirements and members.
North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association - Dedicated to preserving improving and promoting versatile hunting dogs by sponsoring training and testing programs throughout North America. Includes a calendar of events listing of local chapters dog registry and test results.
Virginia Hunting Dog Owner's Association - Volunteer group of sporting hound and mixed breed hunting dog owners dedicated to protecting the state's hunting traditions. Summaries of state and federal issues.