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Pets and Animal Resources pets - Dogs - Web Awards links
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Web Awards Links
Canines of America's TopDog Arena - Home of Top Dog Awards. See winners or apply.
Carnmellis Platinum Dog Awards - A Weimaraner kennel site in New Zealand. Offers a dog site award to sites that spell out animal welfare care and health of any breed or breeds.
Dog Day Afternoon Awesome Site Award - Application form.
Dogmark Cool Dog Site of the Day - Takashi Ito's web site for the best dog sites on the Internet where each month you can vote on the best dog web pages.
Dotters Award of Excellence - Awards are given to comprehensive sites which would be of value to visitors.
Eli's Web Award - Eli's award is offered for sites giving detailed information great graphics working links educational and entertaining and respectful to the subject matter.
Filly and Astra's Best Pet Site Award - Awards for best pet sites. Also offers information on agility schutzhund dog breeds behavior health and training.
Kelcliffe Kennels Web Awards - The Cool Site Award goes to sites that have made a genuine effort and meet our criteria. The Award for Website Excellence is only given to the very best sites meeting our criteria.
Pooped Puppy Award Page - From Rested Dog Inn. Your pages must meet high standards.
Shaman's Awards - Design awards for dog sites and the story of a Great Dane.
Shooter's Cool Site Award - Pages judged on creativity clean appearance and overall impression.
Show Dog Super Site Award - Our Best of the Web Award is available to dog-related sites which are well designed pleasing to visit and educate the public about some aspect of the Dog Fancy.
Tailwagging Site of the Week - From Siberian Huskies Billie and Shadow.
The Greyt Site Award - An award for quality sites.
Web Awards from Corgiville - Baby Cake's Handsome's and Sweet Sue's awards for quality family-friendly web sites.
Zeker's Awards - Zeker's Award for web sites with great rescue stories and Zeker's Two Paws Up award for a great dog page.