Additional Helpful Online Resources

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Carting: Clubs resources Clubs (2)

Carting Links

Carting with Your Dog - Comprehensive site dealing with dogs and carting. How-to articles links to vendors and clubs lots of photos and links to other carting resources.
Carting-L - E-mail list; information on how to join.
Dog Drafting - A personal story on dog drafting as a hobby by Rock Betu. Illustrated with pictures of drafting dogs.
Getting Started with Drafting - On basic preparation and prerequisites of health and physique necessary for carting.
PVC Cart Plans - How to make a PVC cart. An article provided by the Columbia River Newfoundland Club.
The Draft Dog Ring - Information on how to join this web ring.
The GSMDCA Draft Page - From the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club of America. An introduction to drafting upcoming draft tests and the contact address of the GSMDCA Draft Chair.