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DNA Testing Links

Canine Genetic Primer - An article by Susan Thorpe-Vargas with a basic information about canine genetics including why to test details about the canine genome and breeding.
DNA Fingerprinting of Canines - Describes the reasons and uses of DNA Fingerprinting.
Genetic Concerns - Overview of progress in developing DNA marker tests for various canine genetic disorders.
HealthGene Corp. - DNA testing for canine color inheritance and genetic diseases.
Mythunderstanding DNA Tests - Answers some frequently asked questions about DNA testing.
Parentage Verification - DNA typing and verification services from the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at UC Davis.
Practical Genetic Counseling - Overview of genetic counseling in purebred breeds from the US Kerry Blue Terrier Club.
VetGen - Purebred animal genetic (DNA) disease testing and profiling for dogs and horses. Includes list of services and company information.