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Tail Docking Links

Council of Docked Breeds - UK-based organization's campaign to protect the future welfare of all traditionally docked breeds. News reasons for tail docking photographs survey and links.
Dogs Downunder: All About Docking Downunder - Legislation press releases resource kit for opposing the legislation and links.
Kerry Blues: Tail Docking - Origins pros and cons organization positions and fighting the ban.
RCVS Vets for Docking - Response to a proposed law which would ban docking in the UK. Includes position statements and a list RCVS veterinary surgeons who wish to be allowed to continue the practice.
RCVS: Docking of Dogs' Tails - Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons position statement.
Say No to Tail Docking - A protest to tail docking of dogs as unnecessary and unacceptable. Facts and pictures.
The Anti-Docking Alliance - Working to abolish the practice of docking dogs' tails.
Vizsla Newzsletter:- This Tail Docking Discussion And What It Means To You - Article by Steve Peacocke in response to a New Zealand SPCA campaign to ban docking.