Additional Helpful Online Resources

Pets and Animal Resources pets - dogs - Training - Clicker Training - Chats and Forums links

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Chats and Forums Links

Click for Success - An unmoderated list about obedience tracking conformation agility herding and obtaining titles.
Click-Dogs - An unmoderated list about using positive reinforcement.
Click-L Website - Offers archives and free subscription for the mailing list as well as background information and resources.
ClickerTrix - Mailing list for discussing training and tricks.
ClickSport - Unmoderated list about using this method in different fields such as agility flyball obedience conformation lure coursing and freestyle.
ClickSupport - A specific behaviour is submitted every two weeks and contributions are invited from members on their progress towards it.
ClickTeach - The focus of this list is on teaching others whether as an unpaid hobby or a professional enterprise.
DalClickertrain - Mailing list for those with Dalmatians.
Fair-Click - Mailing list for those advocating and practising reward-based motivational methods.
NickNClick - Mailing list about operant conditioning techniques including the use of electronic collars.
OC-Assist-Dogs - Operant conditioning is discussed in relation to assistance dogs.
SA Clickers - Mailing list for enthusiasts in South Africa.