Additional Helpful Online Resources
Pets and Animal Resources pets - dogs - Web Graphics links
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Web Graphics Links
Adorable Dogs - Full-screen photos. From canine photographers Dale Churchill and Kerrin Winter award-winning champions and top breeds.
BowWow Meeow - Large dog graphic collection. Free postcards for all occasions with a doggie theme. Submit your pooch's photo or nominate a site for the Bow Wow Award.
Canine Graphics - Dog show ribbons and awards various breed graphics clip art and background sets.
Comet Cursors - Get dog cursors for your desktop or Website. Using the Comet Cursor turn your mouse pointer into a dog.
Dalmatian Clip Art Texture and Animated Gifs - A service of Dalmatian World.
Dog and Puppy Clip Art - Links to dogs puppies and other canine clip art from your Mining Co. Guide.
Dog Graphics @ - Large list of quality dog-related graphics and some other animals.
Doggy Graphics Gallery - Collections of dog backgrounds graphics lines.
Free Clip Art of Dogs - Free clip art of various small and large dogs from iBAND.
Fuzzy Faces' Free Doggy Graphics - Generic dog designs including dogs dishes bones houses and paws. Also complete page design sets.
Graphics by Barbara - Sets of dog web page graphics with samples from most dog groups including hound herding and working.
K9Graphics - Specializes in dog web pages and graphics. Web hosting at reasonable prices.
RottQueen's Rottweiler Graphics - Rottweiler graphic sets and backgrounds. Also a few other breeds.
Samples from AheadGraphics - Free samples of dog [and cat] graphics.