
Cheetoh Cats

The Cheetoh is a breed of domestic cat, derived from crossings between specific Bengal cat and Ocicat bloodlines. Being a new breed, it is rare. Because it is partly derived from the Bengal, a domestic, wild hybrid cat, the Cheetoh is itself a hybrid. As of December 2011, the only registry that recognizes the breed is The International Cat Association (TICA).

The Cheetoh cat incorporates the distinctive spotted coat characteristics from both the Ocicat and the Bengal breeds, notably that of harnessing the pronounced spotting from the Bengal breed and the taller longer legged stature from the Ocicat breed. They also have a little bit of Asian Leopard in them. The goal of the Cheetoh breeding program was to create a very intelligent cat that is considerably larger with an extraordinary wild look without adding more wild blood. Its main distinguishing characteristics, apart from its spots and sleek, plush, velvety coat, is its low shouldered “wildcat” walk. Males grow to around 15-22 lbs. Females are slightly smaller and seldom reach more than 15 lbs. It has a very stalky gait; when it walks, it looks as if it is prowling on the hunt. Despite their fierce and wild looks, they are very loving and social cats.

They are currently bred in six color varieties: the black- or brown-spotted sienna, the black- or brown-spotted gold, the black-spotted smoke, the black-spotted silver, and the lynx-pointed gold-spotted.

Unlike most other breeds of cats, male Cheetohs help care for kits and young cats, teaching them social skills with both cats and humans alike. A Cheetoh is pregnant for the same length of time as other cats; 63 to 69 days.

They are a fairly healthy breed, but can suffer from luxating patella. The coat is short, and only requires a weekly brushing.

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