Information about the Bully Kutta

Bully Kutta is a Molosser type dog which is found largely in Indian Sub-continent. The word Bully actually derives from the languages of Sindhi and Hindi-Urdu as bohli – meaning heavily wrinkled and the word Kutta means dog. In India it is also known as the Alangu Mastiff. Bully Kutta is known as the Pakistani Mastiff but, in some parts of Pakistan it’s also referred to as the Sindhi Mastiff. They are typically found today in heavily rural areas of Sindh owned by wealthy farmers. While they are starting to get worldwide attention, it is because of their size and strength that these dogs are used in dog fighting. The breed is also used for guarding purposes.

The Persian Army used this breed extensively for guarding soldiers’ camp-sites and enemy prisoners-of-war in their campaigns during antiquity. One of the largest Satraps of Persia in Babylon paid all of its taxes for the expenses of breeding and taking care of these large dogs. They were later introduced into Ancient Greece by Xerxes the First when he marched towards that country in 486-465 B.C. In addition, Alexander the Great had also brought a similar type of dog on his way back during the campaign against King Porus. The Bully Kutta originated in and around the Thar Desert of Sindh, a large part of this desert also extends towards the Bahawalpur area of southern Punjab. The breed was used mostly for hunting large game such as bears and wild boars during the Mughal Empire. This practice eventually declined with the sudden change in the hunting techniques of Royal families who instead started to use Asiatic Cheetahs. Consequently, this changed the Bully Kutta’s job back to guarding and, more recently, dog fighting.

The Bully Kutta is a very large and powerful dog, and unlike most giant breeds, is impressivly agile. The body is well muscular and leaner than most molossers. The legs are tall and equal to the body with the back end slightly raised, contributing to the Bully Kuttas signature lion-like gait. The tail is long, tapering to a fine point and is carried high in a curl always swinging every which way, providing balance for this extremely agile breed. The head is broad with no stop between the skull. The skull and muzzle are equal in length with a slight, smooth drop. The bite is a proper scissor with straight, solid teeth. The eyes are small and almound shaped. The ears are pendant shaped but are often cropped. The skin is very loose and stretchy, hanging from the head and neck with defined jowls and dewlaps. Despite this, they are not heavy droolers. The front legs are straight and solid with thick bone. The back legs are set wide apart and turned slightly outward at an angle, forming a solid triangular base. The coat is very short and smooth, and absent on the belly. The color is predominantly white although black, brindle, and all shades of brown are also common, often in patches. The skin is pigmented black or speckled.

The ‘Beast from the East’, a title given to the Bully Kutta because of its aggressive nature in dog fights, it is a very intelligent and noble breed. Above all, it must be handled by the most experienced dog handlers. However, with proper socialization and appropriate training, the Bully Kutta can make an amenable companion for responsible and knowledgeable owners. They can be very protective, having a strong guarding instinct due to the nature of the breed. The Pakistani Bully Kutta is a powerful mastiff, strongly-boned and muscular. Long-legged and wide-chested, this breed is an agile and resilient, capable of great speed and known for its impressive stamina. The head is large with a strong muzzle and well-developed jaw. A pure-bred Bully Kutta is also famous for its tiger-like stride and movement, which sets it apart from other breeds.
