Information about the Polish Greyhound

The Polish Greyhound is a Polish sighthound breed. It is known as the Polish Greyhound, although it is not a direct relative of the Greyhound dog.

Polish Greyhounds have a short, smooth fur that comes in many colors. The coat is somewhat heavier than a Greyhound’s. They have an undercoat that gets thicker in the winter. Polish Greyhounds have a longer brush on the tail and have culottes at the rear of the thighs. The average Polish Greyhound weighs about 65-95 pounds, and ranges from 27-32 inches tall. The Chart Polski has a smooth double coat, regardless of season, which is harsh to the touch while offering excellent insulation.This Regal canine, is not actually a Greyhound, rather a different breed on its own. While it may seem similar in looks, the Chart Polski standard deems that this dog is much stronger, and less slight, or thin. This is a persistent hunter, with a long muscular neck, unlike the greyhound, and the head is carried high. Large almond eyes are set in a slant, and the points of the hip bones are wide apart. The hind legs move closer together when the dog is moving at a short trot: this is called “lacing”.

Polish Greyhounds have some similarities to other sighthounds, in that they are not overly active dogs, unless they have a purpose to be active. Such as when they are running and chasing prey. In other ways they are very unlike the typical sighthound. They can be dog aggressive, due to their being bred to hunt wolves and can be very territorial. They have a strong pack instinct and will not always accept new dogs into their home.

They can be very good guard dogs in the home and they create strong bonds with their owners; in some, this instinct is so strong, they will not accept strangers coming into the home. They enjoy a good exercise regimen, walking them daily is a very good way to do this. They love to run, of course, and if they can no longer be used for actual hunting, (many locations prohibit this) then a decent facsimile would be participating in the performance sports like coursing and racing. Between running activities, they like nothing better than lounging on the couch or bed. They are obedient and easy to train, although they can be stubborn and willfull. This is not the best breed for the novice dog owner. They need early socialization and firm, fair guidance from their owners
