Asiatic Glassfish
The Asiatic glassfishes are a family, Ambassidae, of freshwater and marine fishes in the order Perciformes. The species in the family are native to Asia, Oceania, the Indian Ocean, and the western Pacific Oceans. The family includes eight genera and about 49 species.
The family has also been called Chandidae, and some sources continue to use the name. Because Ambassidae was used first, in 1870, it has precedence over Chandidae, which was first used in 1905.
The largest species reaches a maximum size of about 26 cm (10 in). Many of the species are noted for their transparent or semi-transparent bodies.
A number of species are used as aquarium fish, noted for their transparent bodies. The Indian glassy fish, Parambassis ranga, is a colorful fish, but showier specimens that had been injected with artificial coloring were sold as novelty pets in the 1990s. Since then these “painted” fish have become much less popular, with more fishkeepers seeking naturally pigmented specimens.