Many folk have so many different opinions of the muzzle. Of course
anyone that sees a dog with a muzzle automatically assumes that the
dog is dangerous. There are many types of muzzles but whatever one
you choose make certain that the dog is able to breath.
The muzzle that I recommend is the Baskerville which is marketed by
the eminent Roger Mugford. This is a basket design and allows near
unrestricted mouth opening for panting and drinking. These are
available at most good pet shops and many vets stock them. They
come in 12 sizes to ensure that a good fit is available for most
breeds of dogs. Available through The Company of Animals, PO Box 23
Chersey, Surrey KT16 OPU UK.
I encourage all owners to train their dogs to wear a muzzle, the
earlier in the dog’s life the better. Most young dogs are
destructive, a muzzle will protect your home from being eaten.
A muzzle will ensure that your dog is unable to eat any rubbish or
poison on the ground, that alone is worth training for.
When visiting the vet it can also be useful for nervous dogs to wear
a muzzle and also when a dog has been operated on. Wearing a muzzle
is another way to prevent him from licking the wound. In the event of
an emergency, if you do not have a muzzle then one can always tie the
leash around the dog’s mouth to prevent it biting.I would add that a
muzzle does not cure a bad behaviour but it is useful whilst an
effective therapeutic strategy is developed.
David the Dogman