Vaccination Ruminations
I do not personally vaccinate my pets, nor have I for many years.
There are several reasons for this. From my perspective as a
Homeopath, vaccines are among the leading contributors to the sycosis
miasm. Some of the signs of sycosis are allergies, bladder disease
(cystitis, crystals in the urine, chronic and recurrent problems),
behavior problems (rage, jealousy, fears, restlessness),
itchy/draining/waxy ears, food intolerances and inflamed bowels,
bronchitis and asthma, arthritis, greasy hair coats, itching, and
warts/growths. These symptoms probably sound familiar as they are
becoming more prevalent in the pet population.
“Do YOU get yearly booster vaccinations?”
Another important influence on my decision to stop vaccinating were
the references concerning the long-term side effects of vaccinations
coupled with the history of low efficacy of most vaccines in the
elimination or reduction of the incidence of given diseases in given
A third realization that makes me question the validity of repeated
vaccinations is the fact that the same technology and rational used
to develop human vaccines has been used in the development of animal
vaccines. When was the last time you were vaccinated against a really
major, life-threatening disease? In childhood? Do you get yearly
booster vaccinations ??? If we expect our immunity and protection to
last this long, why do we expect our pets to only have year long
I also have faith in the power of Homeopathy and correct nutrition to
enhance and optimize wellness and true health. If we strive to
support our pets nutritionally and to provide them with the optimal
diet for health maintenance, we are not going to see the levels of
either chronic, debilitating disease or acute, infectious disease
that we tend to see in nutritionally compromised individuals. In the
event that we are faced with a serious disease process, it is my
belief that careful and correct Homeopathic prescribing will not only
offer the patient the best opportunity for overcoming the disease but
also for becoming healthier and better able to resist disease in the
Okay, some of you may see this as a radical approach.
There are other options available between the extremes of no vaccines
and relative overvaccination.
On my scale the next step below the no-vaccine protocol is basing the
decision to revaccinate on the results of titer levels.
For the caregiver’s peace of mind, a blood sample can be submitted to
the appropriate laboratory for measurement of specific antibodies
(usually distemper and parvovirus in dogs, panleukopenia {feline
distemper} in cats). Titers offer a way of measuring the individual’s
response to exposure .This has been extrapolated to give a relative
measure of the protectedness” of the patient (although the
minimal “safe” antibody level varies considerably between labs and
does not take into account the innate anemnestic or memory responses
the body has from previous exposures, either via natural exposure or
vaccination). Interpretation of titers is a complex subject that
warrants another article to itself. However, once the titer level is
measured, the caregiver can use that information to help determine if
more vaccines are warranted (for their comfort if not for the pet’s
Next on my scale is the use of Homeopathic nosodes.
The drawback to nosodes is the tendency to consider them very safe
and thus use them like “harmless homeopathic vaccines”. The rules for
nosode use are the same as for the decision to use conventional
vaccines – for use in healthy animals only. Overuse of nosodes
(especially in the repeated higher potencies) can cause problems, as
can the overuse of vaccines. If nosodes are used prudently and
correctly they may provide a safe alternative to conventional
Nosodes to specific diseases are most effective if they are used
during periods of highest susceptibility or the time of exposure to
the disease. Contact a trained veterinary Homeopath who is versed in
the use of nosodes for more thoughts behind their application and a
schedule of nosode use suitable for your situation.
This brings us to the limited use of conventional vaccines.
Current conventional medical references are beginning to advocate the
use of a two shot series for juvenile vaccination – one injection
given before 12 weeks of age and another after 12 weeks of age – as
well as the use of limited valence vaccines (not the vaccines that
have everything including the kitchen sink included in one shot).
There have also been major changes in yearly booster protocols, with
many veterinary organizations and teaching and research institutions
suggesting minimal vaccinations every three years in animals who have
had previous vaccinations.
These modified vaccine schedules provide good options for breeders
who are not comfortable with the heavy vaccination schedules
currently used but are not sure what environment their puppies will
ultimately live in. They are also an option for folks who are not yet
comfortable with the idea of no vaccinations at all.
Last, in my comfort zone, are the current multiple injection,
polyvalent vaccine schedules.
If you do not feel comfortable reducing the use of vaccines, and if
you feel it necessary to vaccinate for everything yearly, I would
highly recommend finding a veterinary Homeopath who can help you and
your pet past the imbalances that routinely arise from vaccine
schedules of this type.
The use or avoidance of vaccines is an issue that is coming under
close scrutiny from both the conventional and the alternative medical
fields. There is no clear consensus on the best approach. It is to
the benefit of our pet population as a whole that each caregiver
spend time researching the options and arriving at the best answer
for their individual situation rather than passively accepting what
has for so long been “conventional” wisdom.