Cops for Cancer

Events at Support pets and animals in your community.

Ann Margaret participated in the annual Cops for Cancer, and since on Vancouver Island all the funds raised go to helping young children cope and hopefully overcome cancer, I feel it should be acknowledged and praised (especially since a certain chicken webmaster managed to have to work that day :P).

If I recall the history correctly, there was a situation a few years ago involving a young child that was being mocked by several of his peers. He had lost his hair due to treatments designed to help fight the cancer. As you can imagine, the teasing was very upsetting to someone already struggling with a difficult situation. A local RCMP Officer saw what was happening, and shaved his head in an effort to support the child and show the ones teasing him that being bald really wasn’t something to ridicule someone for. His gesture caught on rapidly with many of the local police also chosing to get a “special haircut” as a sign of support.

Ann Margaret bravely watching her beautiful hair being cut for Cops for Cancer.
Ann Margaret being super brave!
Linda also bravely giving up her hair to raise money for children with cancer

In 1997, seeing what was happening, many of the locals also chose to participate, and organized an event to raise money for childen suffering from cancer. 182 people worked together and managed to raise around $125,000.

Several years ago our family lost a cherished mom, grandmother, and mother-in-law in one fell swoop to cancer. Ann and her sister Linda chose to participate this year as a tribute to their mother, Ann Mueller. Good job and VERY brave!

Having faced that together, our two noble sisters pose to show off their new hair styles...or lack thereof hehe
Did you know they raised over $4000 together to support Cops for Cancer?
Incredible job girls, we are VERY proud of you! 🙂

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