Vet Terminology starting with F on – from False negative test result to FUS
False negative test result –
The result of a diagnostic test is negative; but the animal actually does have the condition tested for.
False positive test result –
The result of a diagnostic test is positive; but the animal actually does not have the condition tested for.
Food and Drug Administration. The federal agency which approves drugs and medications for use in animals and people.
Feces –
Body wastes excreted through the anus from the large intestine; also called stool.
Feline –
Pertaining to cats.
Fetal –
Pertaining to an unborn animal, or fetus.
Fetus –
The developing young in the uterus before birth.
Fine needle aspirate –
Suction is applied to a hollow needle which has been inserted into tissue and a core of the tissue is withdrawn to culture and/or examine microscopically.
First generation –
First generation: A description of medications developed from an earlier form of the medication. First generation medications were developed from the original form of the drug; second generation medications are adaptations of first generation drugs; third generation drugs are adaptations of second generation, etc.
Flatulence –
Increased stomach or intestinal gas.
Flea dip –
A solution made to kill fleas, applied to an animal and not rinsed off, to allow it to have residual action.
Fluoroscopy –
An x-ray procedure in which x-rays are transmitted through the body onto a fluorescent screen; beneficial in that movement of joints or organ systems can be observed (e.g., the movement of material through the esophagus, stomach, and intestines).
Feline lower urinary tract disease; a condition in cats characterized by blood in the urine, urination outside of the litter box, and straining to urinate. The name for this condition was previously called feline urological syndrome (FUS).
Follicle –
The group of cells in the skin in which a hair or feather develops.
Foreign body –
Any abnormal substance within the body. Examples include wood slivers, ingested cloth or balls, glass in the feet, etc.
Fracture –
A break in the bone; generally caused by trauma, twisting, or weakened bone structure due to disease.
Free radical –
Atom which carries an unpaired electron; free radicals can potentially injure cells and may be responsible for numerous age-related diseases.
Fungicide –
A drug that kills fungi.
Feline urological syndrome; a condition in cats characterized by blood in the urine, urination outside of the litter box, and straining to urinate. The name for this condition is now called feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD).