Vet Terminology starting with L on – from Lactating to Lymphokines
Lactating –
Producing milk.
Large intestine –
The lower part of the intestinal tract, usually made up of the colon, cecum, and rectum. Bacteria that live harmlessly in the large intestine help to digest complex carbohydrates.
Larva –
The worm-like offspring of an insect (plural larvae).
Larynx –
The larynx is a muscular tube in the neck that allows air to pass from the throat to the trachea (windpipe). The larynx contains the vocal cords, which allow people and animals to make sounds. The larynx has cartilage that opens to allow air into the trachea.
Latent –
A dormant stage of disease; the patient is infected with an organism, but is not yet ill.
Leukopenia –
A condition in which the numbers of white blood cells in the blood are lower than normal.
Lichenification –
Thickening and hardening of the skin.
Lipase –
Digestive enzyme, produced by the pancreas, which breaks down fat.
Liver –
The largest organ in the abdomen, responsible for producing enzymes required for digestion of food, and bile that helps to digest fat. The liver also detoxifies the blood and may be damaged in the process.
Low passage vaccine –
A low passage vaccine contains virus particles which have been attenuated, or weakened, less than those in the ‘average’ vaccine. Low passage vaccines can generally elicit an immune system response in young animals who have a maternal antibody level that would prevent them from responding to an ‘average’ vaccine.
Lymph nodes –
Part of the immune system of an animal. Small masses of tissue that contain white blood cells called lymphocytes. Blood from the nearby area is filtered through the lymph node allowing foreign or infectious material to be recognized and destroyed if possible.
Lymphocytes –
The class of cells in the body which are responsible for mounting an immune response. Two main types are B cells and T cells.
Lymphokines –
Chemicals produced by T lymphocytes. Some lymphokines signal macrophages and other phagocytes to destroy foreign invaders.